The Gospel really is simple - not easy, but simple:
Jesus is the personification of the will
of God to allow for the ultimate growth of His children (Atonement); hope for, believe in and act on the promises of the Lord, even
if you can't see the results at the time (faith); try to change - both
reactively to mistakes you make and proactively to become who you want to
become (repent); symbolically participate in a spiritual cleansing
ritual (be baptized); "receive" comfort and guidance from God (the gift
of the Holy Ghost); rinse and repeat your entire life (endure to the
On the other hand, living life amid the necessary rules and regulations of
communal living is neither simple nor easy, especially, in the imagery of Joseph B. Wirthlin, for
those who play a different instrument than most others in the community and/or hear a counter-melody or harmony most others don't hear.
Big Red
4 weeks ago
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