Almost exactly two years ago, I got a phone call from my youngest brother telling me that my mother's medication had quit working again and she was starting to hallucinate. I had just started my new job in Missouri; my family still was in Ohio; I was driving to church on a Sunday morning - alone - when I got the call.
As I prayed while I drove, the phrase "Thy will, O Lord, be done" came into my mind - clearly and calmly.
When I got to church, I was quite early, so I went into the RS room and sat down at the piano to play some relaxing music and try to not stress out about my mother's condition. When I opened the hymnal, I saw hymn #188 - "Thy Will, O Lord, Be Done". I played it and sang the words silently in my head. It was a wonderful few minutes, full of the recognition of God's grace and love and understanding of my personal situation that day.
When I walked into the chapel to sit and wait for Sacrament Meeting to start, I looked at the program and saw the intermediate hymn - #188, "Thy Will, O Lord, Be Done".
I can't explain what happened that day, and I can't explain why it happened to me and doesn't happen to some others, but I am grateful that it did.
God knows us individually. Of that, I am certain.
Big Red
1 month ago
I appreciate uplifting messages such as this one. I need help with my faith. I am willing to turn it over to Him, but then I need His strength. Thanks.
Your post helps me realize that we don't know all the times the little inspirations we receive in our calling (i.e. choosing the hymns for Sacrament meeting) have an impact on the congregation. Thanks for sharing.
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