Last Sunday, we started the month's topic of Prophets and Revelation. I
focused on the lesson outline entitled, "How does reverence help me
receive revelation?"
I didn't introduce the topic at first but,
instead, pulled out my cell phones (personal and work-provided) and
asked each student to name one benefit of having such technology
available individually. They mentioned a bunch of things, all of which
could be grouped into two general categories: information access and
interpersonal connectivity. I then asked them to name something that is
a negative about having such technology individually. The answers fell
into two general categories: information access and interpersonal
disconnectedness / distraction. We talked for a short time about how
having so much information available to us allows us to receive answers
to many questions almost instantaneously and to stay connected with
people from whom we naturally would be separated, but having that same
amount of information available constantly also can cause obsession,
distraction, non-productivity, interpersonal distance, erosion of
communication skills, etc.
I then talked about my experiences
blogging and how hard it can be to convey full meaning with just words
on a screen - how nuance and emotion can be difficult or impossible to
express adequately, which can lead people who actually agree with each
other to argue with each other due to misunderstanding what has been
written. I mentioned one particular person whom I used to count as a
friend who can't discuss anything online without turning it into a
debate she is determined to win - and how she isn't that way in person.
I also mentioned how anonymity can lead to people saying things they
wouldn't say, ever, in person.
I then asked the students to
define "reverence". One student said "respect" - while another one said
it comes from the word "revere", which is extreme respect. I added the
element of awe.
I asked if we tend to talk about revering food
or such things, and one of them said, "Yes - chocolate!" After a good
chuckle, we focused on the ultimate object of reverence in the context
of church and a Sunday School lesson. Obviously, that is God. I asked
about prophets and apostles - and they all answered that we should
respect them but not revere them in the same way that we revere God,
simply because they are human and make mistakes.
I asked how
reverence generally has been defined in their years in the Church,
especially in Primary. The answers were, "Be quiet," "Sit still," "Fold
your arms," "Don't argue with your teacher," etc. We talked about how
children need structure from which to learn - and I told them that, at
some point, the challenge is to transition from the understanding of
children to an individual, adult view. As an example, we talked about
the "form of prayer" and how it is important for someone just learning
to pray - but that, at some point, we need to learn to talk with God
naturally and not in a formulaic manner. We need to revere God, not
recite things to God.
In order to illustrate the point about
moving to a more mature understanding of reverence, I asked if our hymns
are supposed to be reverent. They said the hymns are supposed to be
respectful and expressive of awe - but not all of them are supposed to
be sung quietly and/or in a subdued manner. I had them open the hymnals
randomly and read the titles of the hymns and the word at the top left
(above the first line) explaining how they were to be sung. We laughed
at the first person's selection, since it was "Reverently and Meekly
Now" - but almost half of the hymns were supposed to be sung
"exuberantly" or "with rejoicing" or "exultantly" or "energetically" or
some other similar adjective. Each and every hymn dealt with a topic
for which we should have deep respect, and even awe, but, for some of
them, singing quietly and solemnly would be the opposite of reverently.
I told them that I wanted to go through all of that to make
sure the last part of the lesson, which is really important to me,
wasn't the only thing they took away from the lesson - that there is a
very important element of the traditional focus on quietude and
solemnity in reverence, which we were about to discuss, but I wanted
them to be able to "rock" reverentially, as well.
We read 1
Kings 19:12 and 3 Nephi 11:1-7 (about the still, small voice) and
D&C 63:64 and 84:54-57 (about valuing and not making light of sacred
things), then we read Psalms 46:10 ("Be still, and know that I am
God."). I went back to the discussion about cell phones and distraction
/ disconnectedness, and we talked about how hard it is to develop a
reverential attitude when we aren't "still" and contemplative. I
mentioned that when I recruit high school students I rarely call them;
rather, I text them and ask them to call me or let me know when I can
call them. I do that because most of them won't interrupt multiple,
simultaneous text conversations to answer the phone. They have to stop
what they are doing and set aside time just for me to have the important
discussions that are necessary to get ready to go to college.
ended with the idea that there is a cause-and-effect relationship
articulated in: 1) Be still, and 2) Know that I am God - that, often, we
need to eliminate distractions in order to commune with, recognize and
gain understanding of the divine. We can be reverential without being
quiet, but we can't be fully reverential if we never are still and
quiet, especially internally. It is in that stillness that revelation
often can come and be recognized - no matter how we reach that stillness
(prayer, meditation, pondering, contemplation, etc.). Revelation can
come amid chaos, but some revelation only can come in the stillness of
the soul.
Ragged Ann
2 weeks ago
1 comment:
I've been struggling with preparing this lesson. I appreciate your thoughts and the direction of your discussions.
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