Many people have to be told they must do their best and try their hardest. Anything else leads to laziness for too many people - and abuse of all sorts.
Many people have to be told they can't make it on their own, no matter their best efforts. Anything else leads to pride for too many people - and abuse of all sorts.
People generally respond best to whichever approach matches (or doesn't match, in some cases) their fundamental nature - whichever is the best motivator for each of us as individuals - whichever is the one we want to hear.
Good leaders have no clue which message will ring true with which individual, unless they can get to know each individual, so they have to teach both perspectives in any organization that is too large to know everyone individually.
Thus, good leaders of groups ALWAYS are wrong - while simultaneously ALWAYS being right. The only alternative is exclusion of a huge portion of those they try to lead.
So, my practical advice to Mormons is to pick the leaders (both globally and locally) who teach using the approach that is best for you. Gain what you can from the others, but focus on those who speak more directly to your own soul.
The ‘Do of ’72
3 weeks ago
There is beauty in a multitude of counselors...
Well, the scripture says safety in multitude of counsellors...
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