I am contemplative by nature, and I've gone to the temple often enough that I know the ceremonial wording and actions pretty well. When I go now, I generally see what hits me as the play progresses and let my mind "wander" a bit to consider whatever hits me. In other words, I spend most of my time there "thinking" - as opposed to "listening" or "understanding".
Perhaps some would say I can do that anywhere, but I don't believe that - for two reasons:
1) It's hard to create a place that is as silent and reverent as the temple - where I can think and ponder without distraction.
2) It's hard to create a place that is as God-focused as the temple - that points my mind to the type of contemplation I do there.
It helps that I view it all symbolically and figuratively - so contemplation becomes the core purpose for me.
Big Red
1 month ago
It has been in the contemplative moments I have had my best and most moving inspiration.
Sometimes I try to listen and get something concrete out of the experience like, "What does this symbolism mean?" Sometimes I get something meaningful but usually feels like after I have been speculating about a teaching that is not very important to my salvation or my family.
I love the reasons you stated. I will allow myself to wander in my mind more at the temple. Think on the things that I haven't had time to process consciously. For me, that has been the greatest value of the temple.
I love reading scriptures in the temple, as the words go down easy. There's a kind of lucid quality. One time after doing baptisms, I flipped open the book and the verse under my thumb was about baptism. How cool is that?
Keep in mind that some day that atmosphere will cover the Earth.
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