I've always differentiated between judging people (making decisions
about their individual worth here and where they will end up after
death) and judging actions (what people do).
There is no way to
get around judgment of actions - except for psychopaths, who don't have
the capability to judge actions. That type of judgment is unavoidable.
There also is no way to get around having those judgments influence
our interaction with others, since, for example, if I know someone has
sexually abused children, I simply must consider that fact at the very least if I have
children the same general sex and age as those s/he abused. To not consider
those actions and make a judgment about subsequent actions in such a situation is unthinkable.
However, "to
judge someone" means, legally, to act like a judge and make a final
determination about someone that determines official standing for that
person - and which, in real terms, imposes or does not impose limits on
that person. It is making a decision that literally affects someone
else's agency in situations that don't involve the one making the
judgment. I do not judge someone in this way by keeping my kids away
from someone who has abused kids in the past - but I do judge someone in
this way if I assume s/he will not and cannot change ever, assert that
nobody who has done such a thing ever can repent and insist that Hell is
the only possible outcome for all of "them".
Did Hitler do
horrible things? Yes. Does a part of me assume he will end up in the
Telestial Kingdom? Sure. Am I open to the possibility that there are
things about his situation that I don't know and, therefore, that he
might not end up in the Telestial Kingdom? Yes. Can Hitler be saved? I
believe he has been, since I believe in the Biblical statement that all are saved by the Atonement of Jesus Christ in a very real and important way. Can he be exalted? As much as I want to be able
to answer that question in black-and-white terms with a resounding, "Absolutely not!!" I just can't put
myself in the position of his judge and make that call.
That is
the judgment I try to avoid, especially when it comes to projected
results after death. That's why, "Damn you!" is such a heinous curse in
our scriptures - in that it puts someone in the place of God and
pronounces final judgment on someone else.
I always try to
remember that I have no freaking clue, really, why others act as they
do. I have a hard enough time figuring out why I do what I do. Thus,
while I can't avoid judging actions in a real way, I try very hard not
to presume to know the motivation or cause of those actions - which
leaves "final judgment" to God.
Big Red
4 weeks ago
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