I am an analytical believer - meaning I believe first and foremost and analyze based on my beliefs. I just don't care all that much about the specifics of doctrine. I believe we "see through a glass darkly", but that we see more things than others even though those things are seen darkly. In this regard, my most basic difference with many is that I want to see a more comprehensive vision of the murky; many others want only to see what they currently see more clearly.
If I end up seeing more clearly in this life, that is a gift - not an expectation.
Ragged Ann
1 week ago
Heya Ray,
For me it is an expectation, since the scriptures promise additional light and truth for those who are living for it. I have never been disappointed in this expectation, though sometimes the additional clarity isn't what I would have expected, or, in many cases, wanted.
Cool. ~
Hi, Thomas. It's SO good to see you comment here. You know how I feel about your insights in the Bloggernacle.
I intentionally over-simplified in order to make my central point. I really do expect to see more clearly what we all tend to see darkly, but I am much more interested at the foundational level in seeing what is not revealed to others generally - even if my vision of that "additional stuff" remains unclear.
Iow, if I had to choose between seeing a limited amount with perfect clarity and seeing an eternally expansive amount "darkly", I would choose the expansive view over the narrow view.
Gotcha now. You're a fox, not a hedgehog. :)
I read pretty much everything you write, mah brutha. ~
Nice link. If you ever cross Missouri, let me know. Our house is always open.
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