It is one thing to discuss the power of the Gospel - to analyze JSH 1:19 (which I will do here eventually) and dissect what it means to "deny the power (of godliness)." It is quite another to discuss the power of the Church.
Last week, our ward saw some major organizational changes. The Primary Presidency and the Relief Society Presidency were changed - with two new presidents who felt overwhelmed and
inadequate, I'm sure. They received no detailed training, except for what they had observed in previous callings. They were given the keys that pertained to their callings (the ones that unlock physical doors) and some printed materials to read, told to talk with the persons they were replacing and thrown into the deep end of the pool - with a command to swim. They weren't given the option to sink; they simply were promised the ability to swim - even if they had never been taught to swim.
The power of the Church does not reside in its prophets and apostles - although they are necessary to distill the authority under which the real power operates. The power of the Church does not lie in its Presiding Bishopric, its Quorums of the Seventy, its Stake Presidents or its Bishops and Branch Presidents - although the latter men directly oversee and facilitate the exercise of that power. It is found in the hearts and spirits of all of the average, normal, unexceptional men and women who willingly shoulder burdens and responsibilities they can't carry - and carry them anyway. It is found in the growth experienced by Carrie and Leslie - the same growth that Patty and Shayleen will recognize whenever they hand over their keys and handbooks to their replacements and pick up whatever burden the Lord has in store for them at that time. Church Headquarters provides vision and unanimity and direction for the body of Christ, but the members of each ward and branch do the leg work that builds the muscles that drive the engine that powers the Church - and in that lies the glory and power of God.
Big Red
4 weeks ago
Would I have "sunk" then if I had stayed in the bathroom stall from 3:15pm-5pm on Sunday? The thought crossed my mind. Good luck in Harrison. ps, I replaced Leslie.
Thanks, Shayleen, I knew that. *hangs his head in shame*
I will change it in the post, so nobody else will know that I screwed up. *grin*
I will consider giving bonus points to anyone who can guess what name was in the original instead of Leslie. (But only if Shayleen promises not to tell anyone!)
Sincere apologies to Leslie. Every once in a while, I show my age.
I'm still busy trying to dog-paddle here!! My head's still above the water though, so I guess I'm doing all right!!
Thanks for sharing another great perspective. You can keep the bonus points... just glad to hear that you goof sometimes too! (Oh great and wise one!)
I am just thankful that when I have been thrown into the deep end, I have been fitted with "water wings" to keep me afloat! I love your analogy with the water thing. It makes me think about how Jesus helped Peter to walk on the water. There is great power in relying on Him as we serve (uncomfortable as it might be) in faith.
So are your bonus points like the ones from Who's Line? or do they really mean something. I would guess that you had either my name or Heather's name in the post the first time.
Should I tell on you, Ray? Nope, that's your call...
Isn't it wonderful that the Lord trusts us to have these callings in the Church, to serve and love as He would if He were here?! We learn so much, even though we are overwhelmed as we begin. His guidance and peace is an amazing gift!
I noticed you left stake high councels off of your "The power doesn't reside in" list, hmmm. (Jus kidden) As always, you are so correct. It is the strength, faith, and personality, of the people that makes our church what it is. You know, its just like racing, You can have the guidence of a good, skilled driver,and the strength of a powerful well tuned engine. But if you don't have four good tires, you aren't going to win. Were going to miss you guys.Your families strength will be a definite blessing to Harrison
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