One of the most inspirational and unusual baptisms I’ve witnessed was one where the candidate was baptized by a member who was confined to a wheelchair.
Several of the brethren helped out. They put the baptizer’s wheelchair in the water then placed him on it. The young woman getting baptized then went into the font. Several other brethren also went into the water, as well. The brother in the wheelchair put his arm to the square and said the prayer. He held her arm and put his other hand behind her back while the other brethren in the water did the actual lifting. Needless to say, most everyone in attendance had a huge lump in their throats. I can’t describe how moving it was.
Comment #24 by Steve C. on Dotting the Earth with ... Baptismal Fonts - Ardis Parshall (Keepapitchinin)
Big Red
1 month ago
What a beautiful example of truly sustaining one another.
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