May this day be one that is devoid of contention, anger, hard feelings and condemnation. May we commit to make it such within our own spheres of influence.
May love fill our hearts to overflowing this day. May we commit to allow it to be so on other days.
May our differences matter less than our common status as children of God. May we commit to see it as so no matter with whom we associate.
May all of us appreciate and respect those with whom we disagree - in word as well as in deed. May we commit to so speak and do, even with those who persecute and spitefully use us.
In all our deepest desires, may there be a road before us - and may we allow others to walk their own individual roads without throwing stones and placing unnecessary obstacles in their way. May we commit to walk thus, no matter how often our roads intersect.
May the example of those whose lives we use as our guide be ever before our eyes - and be honored in the way we live with and treat others. May we commit to remember to look back as we move forward.
May we see each other as God sees us. May we commit to be God's love for others.
Merry Christmas, everyone.
Big Red
5 weeks ago
Amen to that.
Up to the point when my husband put whipped cream on his christmas cake.
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